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"Perfecting Links,

Protecting Traffic"

Use Cases

We know the value that comes from this work. Fixing URL errors, once a headache, is now easy and profitable. Here's a few examples of how our service helps businesses.

URL Taxonomy Changes in Website Migrations

'No URL Left Behind' is our motto.

You're updating to 'readable' URL strings

The subdirectory structure needs to adapt to the CMS

Names of regional content directories are changing

Old content is not getting moved to the new site 

There's a bunch of reasons URLs change during a website migration. Chances are 100% of your time have gone into thinking about the new URL structure. Now that you have it, there's one thing left to do - map the old URLs to the new URLs.


You're behind the deadline though, there's 10 new pre-launch tasks that just came through. Even if you wanted to do the 301 redirects, they may be rushed and prone to error. That's where WISLR comes in. The data is ready, now it just needs to go through our algorithm and you'll have the file you need for the big day. 


We like making website migrations causes for celebration, not big moments of stress. We'll take that thorny data task off your plate so you can get a nap in for that 12am - 4am DNS switch meeting. 

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